
Stop – Upon first encountering this tweet, I immediately recognized the author, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene. Greene, a prominent Republican politician and member of the U.S. House of Representatives, often serves as a source for political news. However, I paused to acknowledge the inherent bias evident in the tweet. It seemed clear that the tweet aimed to elicit a strong emotional reaction from its audience. Given this initial impression, skepticism arose, leading me to label the information as potentially misinformation.

Investigate the Source/Information – As a public figure and elected official, Greene’s statements can carry significant weight in political discourse. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to scrutinize her biases and motivations. The claim put forth in the tweet suggests that President Biden and the Democratic Party intentionally scheduled Transgender Day of Visibility to coincide with Easter Sunday, insinuating disrespect towards Christianity and its holiday. Additionally, the assertion implies that Biden’s actions reflect a broader disregard for faith and authority. While the statement made in the tweet holds a degree of truth, Greene selectively extracted a small portion of the proclamation, stripping away important context. This selective presentation created an illusion of credibility to support a biased and misleading argument. Transgender Day of Visibility has been observed annually on March 31st since its establishment in 2009. This day is not a government-endorsed holiday, and its scheduling is unlikely to have been deliberately aligned with Easter. It’s crucial to acknowledge that interpretations of religious texts can vary widely and are inherently subjective.

Find Better Coverage – Upon delving deeper into President Joe Biden’s proclamation, I discovered that the context provided a markedly different narrative. While recognizing the sensitivity of the issue at hand, Greene’s dissemination of misinformation sways her followers to adopt her viewpoint. Notably, she fails to mention that Transgender Day of Visibility has been observed on March 31st since 2009, without intentional alignment with Easter Sunday. Moreover, Greene’s assertion of President Biden’s lack of control in the White House and betrayal of his religion seems unfounded. By leveraging religion to evoke emotional responses and targeting various aspects of President Biden’s administration, Greene’s tweet emerges as an unreliable source of information. Below, I present the complete proclamation referenced in her tweet.

Trace Claims and Quotes Back to Original Source – In response to Greene’s claims, I present the original proclamation in its entirety, (proclamation link)  providing context for her tweet. Additionally, Greene’s assertion regarding President Biden’s purported lack of activity in the White House and external control is unsubstantiated. Below, I include a reference to President Biden’s activities and progress, aiming to provide a comprehensive perspective. (here)

In conclusion, the analysis using the SIFT method underscores the spread of misinformation, especially from influential figures like Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene. While her tweet may initially appear credible, closer inspection reveals bias and the manipulation of context to support a particular agenda. This shows the importance of investigating the source and information presented. It is essential to acknowledge the historical context of events such as Transgender Day of Visibility, which predates any intentional alignment with Easter Sunday. Greene’s spread of misinformation not only misleads but also serves to polarize opinions, emphasizing the necessity of seeking more comprehensive and reliable coverage.

Works Cited

House, The White. “A Proclamation on Transgender Day of Visibility, 2024.” The White House, 29 Mar. 2024,

Kampen, Kaitlyn Van. “Library Guides: Evaluating Resources and Misinformation: The SIFT Method.”, 7 Sept. 2023,

“The History behind International Transgender Day of Visibility.” The 19th, 31 Mar. 2021,

The White House. “The White House.” The White House, The White House, 2017,


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